The Coaching Circle Workshop held on the May 20th is the first in a row of three workshops that will be held online in 2021. All three workshops are targeting exclusively those who have registered to participate in the TrainESEE training modules and wish to help their university to define the Acceleration Programmes with actions to put into practice and deploy the learnings from the training modules.
Nine teachers participated (out of 19 registered), coming from 4 (out of the 6) ESEE Universities.
In it, a reflective dialogue was maintained considering the different phases or world views within HEIs, and the evolutionary patterns they show worldwide. In addition, a joint exploration of the key elements that we want to learn in the TrainESEE modules was carried out, to illuminate the development of the Acceleration Programs.
The need for closer collaboration of HEIs with stakeholders and the community to facilitate evolution was emphasized. It was also considered that ESEE Universities have to approach the market (offering business experience opportunities), but they must do so in accordance with the characteristics of each university and its environment. The need to better articulate an open dialogue as a basis for true cooperation between different groups of people, especially between students and teachers, was also expressed. Other more specific aspects appeared in relation to teaching methods or the impact of science on business and entrepreneurship. Work on these will continue within the TrainESEE modules.