Teaching methodology workshop

Krakow (PL), 28/06 – 02/07/2021 (ONLINE WORKSHOP)

Through this training, participants can learn to design courses by applying Constructive Alignment and formulate the learning outcomes for their courses; derive course content and appropriate learning and teaching methods; select and apply suitable assessment strategies and evaluate the success of each course design. The training will also enable the trainees to put a focus on teaching personalities and understand their colleagues’ views; reflect on personal learning biography, teaching beliefs and their teaching stile. The module offers knowledge on different teaching theories and an advanced approach to understanding the X Gen features and ways to include gamification elements and Mixed Reality into the lectures. Participants will be able to learn how to reflect on students’ needs, how to connect better with their audience and evaluate students through interaction & feedback.

Project development and management workshop

Sofia (BG), 07/06 – 11/06/2021 (ONLINE WORKSHOP)

During the workshop, attendees will acquire knowledge related to the following: project goal and scope definition, creation of WBS, time and resource management, resource allocation, project monitoring and control, agile approach to project management. After the training, a successful attendee will also be able to pose an idea in the scale of technical readiness level, identify the available and most suitable funding sources, define the related funding requirements, transform an idea into a successful funding application (consortium formulation, preparation of required documentation). Training will provide crucial insights into project risk management and put the learning into practice through case study examples. Key elements of communication plan design and stakeholder identification and engagement are also covered within the module content.

Innovation and entrepreneurial skills workshop

Košice (SK), 06/09 – 10/09/2021 (ONLINE WORKSHOP)

Entrepreneurial competences, such as, concrete skills and mind-set are about recognizing new business opportunities and developing those opportunities into new products and services. They are valuable when starting a new business, however, established businesses increasingly need these competences and are looking to hire staff who can bring these skills and attitude into their organisations.

Integration of entrepreneurial skills into teaching prepares students for a more diverse set of work-life roles and enhances their overall employability.

After the completed module, a participant will understand the value of integrating entrepreneurial elements into other teaching units and will be able to design and plan a course that includes entrepreneurial learning outcomes.

Science to business workshop

Miskolc (HU), 15-19/11/2021 (ONLINE WORKSHOP)

The successful commercialization of the results of scientific works, R&D and inventions as well as cooperation between research centres, industry and business is becoming crucial in regional development. In the modern world of science, it is not an invention but innovation (i.e. its implementation and the profit from it) that determines success.

Therefore, the aim of this module is to enable the attendees to identify key factors for successful innovation, recognize business opportunities by assessing market needs, describe the technology in problem-solution terms and find viable applications for the technology.

The participants will also learn about market positioning, reaching out to potential business clients, gathering feedback, choosing best-suited IP protection options and funding schemes. The module will develop a basic ability for the business model creation and practice.

How will the workshops look like?

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to the mobility restrictions caused by measures of COVID-19 control, all workshops will be held online. 

The individual duration of each workshop is 5 days.

During the practical part of all four workshops participants will be encouraged to work on real-case examples from their own ongoing university courses / ongoing project applications / ongoing research to business cases, whenever is feasible. During the last day of the workshop participants will work under the supervision of Tecnalia, with the following objectives:

(1) gaining instructions for implementation of knowledge into the existing university study programmes (courses/lectures, all levels), specialist programmes, life-long learning programmes or research programmes (on-going projects, project idea development, business idea development etc.)

(2) getting familiar with the advantages of the “track-changes” platform developed via Linked-in profile of the TrainESEE project. A network of trained ESEE academics will exchange experiences and best practice in at-home implementation of the modules within the network supervised by “Trainers” institutions.

(3) gaining instructions for development of institutional acceleration programme based on course experience.

The maximum number of participants per workshop is 25.

The registrations are still open for the Science to Business workshop.