Despite the unusual circumstances related to COVID-19, the first and very meaningful step towards the development of the modules has been made: activities planned within Work Package 2 (SWOT analyses of the ESEE education needs) have been carried out in the envisaged deadline.
During the first four months of 2020, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the education systems of the six participating universities were carefully examined. The process showed that many of the partners share similar problems, but many important differences stemming from the institutional and organizational setup of the individual organizations and countries have also been identified. After the SWOT verification, intensive work was done on drafting the activities to be included in the future modules.
Since July, TrainESEE v.2 team is dedicated to module design. If you are curious about the result of the preparational activities carried out in WP2, read the Communication paper published by the Consortium.